Water Absorption and Physical Characteristics of Maize (Zea mays L.) Varieties

In this study, the water absorption and physical characteristics of maize varieties were studied. The physical dimensions determined. Water absorption and the moisture gains of the maize seed during immersion in water were determined at 50,70 and 90C by recording the weight increase of the seed with respect to soaking time. A nonlinear moisture diffusion equations was used to modelling of the water absorption curves of the maize varieties at studied temperatures. Page equation and exponential rise equation were chosen for modeling the water absorption of maize in this study. R2 values ranged between 0.9793-0.9934 for the predictions of Page’s equation and between 0.9728-0.9899 for the predictions of exponential rise equation. The values of RMSE ranged 0.0453-0.1291 and the values of and MBE ranged -0.0017 / -0.0071. All these indicators showed that both model made predictions close to perfect fit. However, Page’s equation was recommended for representing the water absorption of maize because of its simplicity.


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