Carl Czerny nin Opus 299\19 Numaralı Etüdünün Piyano Eğitimine Yönelik Analizi

Etütler müzik edebiyatında rastlanan bütün güçlükleri, sistemli bir şekilde işleyen ve bunları bir bütün içinde elde edilmesini sağlayan, genellikle bir motif veya figür üzerine yazılmış müzik yapıtlarıdır. Bu makalede, ülkemizde Eğitim Fakülteleri Müzik Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dallarında yürütülen piyano derslerinde yaygın olarak kullanılan Carl Czerny\'nin Opus 299 piyano metodundan, 19 numaralı Fa majör arpej etüdü analiz edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin bu etüdü kısa sürede öğrenmelerini mümkün kılmak ve bununla birlikte yazılan alıştırmaların öğrencilerin diğer arpej etütlerini çalışmalarına örnek oluşturulmasını sağlamak, araştırmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Etüdün analiz çalışmasında ilk adım olarak etüEtudes are methodical music compositions, usually based on a motif or figure in order to improve any difficulties in instrumental music. In this article, C. Czerny\'s Op.299, No. 19 piano Etude in F Major which is widely used in piano lessons at Music Departments of Education Faculties in Turkey is analyzed. The aim of this article is to make students learn this etude in very short time and to use analyze way as model in other etudes. In analyzing the etude, as a first step it was decided to analyze this etude by motifs, second step was to determine the technical difficulties and the third was to prepare technical exercises to solve these technical difficulties. In addition, by using these exercises, students can overstep easily this etude\'s difficulties.Piyano eğitimi, etüt, Czerny, analizPiano education, etude, Czerny, analyze Tam Metin

Piano Education Directed Analysis of Carl Czernys Etude, Op. 299 no19

Etudes are methodical music compositions, usually based on a motif or figure in order to improve any difficulties in instrumental music. In this article, C. Czerny\'s Op.299, No. 19 piano Etude in F Major which is widely used in piano lessons at Music Departments of Education Faculties in Turkey is analyzed. The aim of this article is to make students learn this etude in very short time and to use analyze way as model in other etudes. In analyzing the etude, as a first step it was decided to analyze this etude by motifs, second step was to determine the technical difficulties and the third was to prepare technical exercises to solve these technical difficulties. In addition, by using these exercises, students can overstep easily this etude\'s difficulties.


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