Lampung Folklorunda Yerel Bilgeliğin Değerleri: Bir Piil Pesenggiri Perspektifi

This study aims to investigate the values of the Lampung folklore “Si Anak Emas Radin Jambat,” which contains the local wisdom of Piil Pesenggiri. Piil Pesenggiri is a standard or value that serves as a social tenet or way of life for the people of Lampung. Using a qualitative descriptive research methodology, the data about the values of Piil Pesenggiri were collected through frequent reading and note-taking in the forms of words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. The collected data were analyzed using a textual analysis. The study's findings indicate that bejuluk beadek, nemui nyimah, nengah nyappor, and sakai sambayan are the Piil Pesenggiri values that are present in the folklore under investigation. These values serve as the foundation for how Lampung people think, speak, and behave wherever they are. In other words, the people of Lampung demonstrate their personality and identify as genuine Lampung through Piil Pesenggiri. In light of these findings, implications and suggestions for future research are also included.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Piil Pesenggiri, Lampung, folklor

The Values of Local Wisdom in Lampung Folklore: A Piil Pesenggiri Perspective

This study aims to investigate the values of the Lampung folklore “Si Anak Emas Radin Jambat,” which contains the local wisdom of Piil Pesenggiri. Piil Pesenggiri is a standard or value that serves as a social tenet or way of life for the people of Lampung. Using a qualitative descriptive research methodology, the data about the values of Piil Pesenggiri were collected through frequent reading and note-taking in the forms of words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. The collected data were analyzed using a textual analysis. The study's findings indicate that bejuluk beadek, nemui nyimah, nengah nyappor, and sakai sambayan are the Piil Pesenggiri values that are present in the folklore under investigation. These values serve as the foundation for how Lampung people think, speak, and behave wherever they are. In other words, the people of Lampung demonstrate their personality and identify as genuine Lampung through Piil Pesenggiri. In light of these findings, implications and suggestions for future research are also included.


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