Kant'ın Bilgi Kuramı ve Sentetik Önermeler

Kant's Theory of Knowledge and Synthetic Propositions

According to Kant, while one part of our knowledge relies on both senses and thought, the other part relies on thought only. Knowledge of phenomena within a space and time come through both senses and thought, whereas knowledge of non-phenomenal ideas like God, Soul, Universe comes merely through thought. All propositions stating the knowledge of phenomena are synthetic, which have a priori and a posteriori forms. That knowledge of phenomenal world is accepted as scientific knowledge depends on the fact that there are synthetic a priori propositions about the world. Physics is a science since it has both synthetic a priori and synthetic a posteriori propositions. Knowledge about ideas of metaphysical world relies only on thought because it is not Phenomenal. It can be said that metaphysics is a science only if synthetic a priori judgements can also be made in the metaphysical sphere. To Kant, this is possible only for pure practical reason, not for pure theoretical reason.


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