Bir Yöntem Felsefesi Olarak Pragmati(si)zm: Charles S. Peirce'ün Bilimsel Anlam Kuramı

Pragmatis(is)m as a Philosophy of Method: Charles S. Peirce's Scientific Meaning Theory

The founder of pragmatism, as a philosophical thought, is Charles S. Peirce in a contemporary sense. Peirce put forward pragmatism as a philosophy of scientific method and thus developed a scientific theory of meaning. According to Peirce, the meaning of a concept occurs in experience and action, what matters is to be able to reach a useful result by means of experiential actions. That is why; science must follow such a way and provide useful suggestions for human. In this framework, anything which seems meaningful or possible to reach a meaningful result is a matter of scientific research. Therefore, everything should be investigated scientifically. In this study, C. S. Peirce's pragmatism and scientific meaning theory is attempted to explain.


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