Türk Uluslararası Sanat Müziği Bestecilerinin Eserlerinde Türk Müziğinin Geleneksel Türleri ve Biçimleri

19. yüzyıl, müzikte ulusalcı hareketlerin görüldüğü dönemdi. Ulusalcılık


19th century was an era of nationalist movements in music. Nationalism wasseen in important regions of the world, especially in Russia and NorthernEurope. These nationalistic movements affected international art musiccomposers of Turkey in the early years of Turkish Republic. GenerallyTurkish composers preferred to use traditional folk music elements instead ofthe elements of traditional art music. Either folk music with its melodiccharacteristic or maqam structure of art music is used by many internationalTurkish composers after the Turkish Fives. Generally, maqam factors areused as building stones in the compositions. The genre has been the lessmentioned subject than maqam regarding the reflection of tradition. Besides,it is seen that the forms and genres of folk music are used in international artmusic. Here I present the composers’ preferences regarding Turkish musicgenres with notation samples.


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