Geleneksel Türk müziğinde meşk sisteminin zayıflamasıyla, bu müzik

From Sound to Music Sheet: SûzinâkHymn, “Aşkın ile Âşıklar”Exampl

With the weakening of the system meşk in traditional Turkish music, someempty holes appeared in some areas like composition, performing andeducation. Thus, musical pieces were started to be written down for thepurpose of not letting them being forgotten. Neglecting of some knowledgeabout some music details in the sheets of music that were focused on thisconserving purpose, caused the musicians of the post-meşk period, to bedevoid of this knowledge and the practice of it. This study was written forensuring some benefits with neutralizing could be done on the negativeeffects of some of the problems mentioned by the musical analysis of thesheets of music that reached today. Five different editions of a hymn in themakam Sûzinâk, with different lyrics “Aşkın ile âşıklar” belonging to YunusEmre and “Taştı rahmet deryâsı”, were compared in this article. Thedifferences between the editions mostly occurring on usûl, points out theproblems that had been in the process of writing down the musical piecewhich had been created and continuously transmitted during a certain time inoral culture. In the article, lyrical and compositional specialities of themusical pieces are analysed, especially relationships between lyrics and therhythm settlements of the editions are spotted and a sixth edition is created.In the edition that came out at the end of the analysis, a new usûl that isdifferent from the available editions was found, discussed and used. And alsosome problems were revealed on the usûl levels in music writing styles intraditional Turkish music.


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