The Role of Self-Efficacy in Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Motivation and Job Involvement

The Role of Self-Efficacy in Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Motivation and Job Involvement

Purpose: Self-efficacy belief procures teachers to root for each other’s development in some issues such as ameliorating new methods to conduct much more effective teaching. A school with a high level of selfefficacy teachers makes a great contribution in order to corroborate self-efficacy perceptions of students.When examining it on a model with many attitudinal variables, self-efficacy belief, an important concept in terms of education quality, has been deemedsignificant so as to propound the effects of selfefficacy more clearly. This study aimed to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation and job involvement.Research Method: 321 teachers from 33 schools that were selected randomly with the cluster sampling method from the middle schools in the province of Hatay city center in the 2017-2018 academic year have composed the sampling of this study.Findings: The more teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs increased, the more their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation and job involvement increased. Both job satisfaction and organizational commitment partially mediated the relationship between teachers’ sense of self-efficacy and motivation. Self-efficacy beliefs positively affected teachers’ job involvement through the full mediation effect of job satisfaction and motivation. Organizational commitment and motivation fully mediated the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and job involvement.Implications for Research and Practice:It is crucial for school administrators to contribute to amend and strengthen self-efficacy perceptions of teachers if they hope teachers to take positive attitudes towards their work much more frequently and to take the edge off negative attitudes.


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