Correlations between Teachers’ Personality, Psychological Safety Perception and Teacher Voice

Correlations between Teachers’ Personality, Psychological Safety Perception and Teacher Voice

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the level of the teacher's voice, and to examine the relationships between voice, five-factor personalitytraits and psychological safety.Research Method: The study was conducted with a correlational survey model. The sample of the study consisted of 475 teachers in public primary schools.Three instruments were applied in the study; Employee Voice Scale, Quick Big Five Personality Test, and Psychological Safety Scale.Findings: Results showed that the level of teacher's voice was at level “Often”, and there were significant and positive correlations between agreeableness extraversion, emotional stability and openness to experience, and teacher's voice; and also between psychological safety and teacher's voice; and lastly, between psychological safety and agreeableness and emotional stability.Implications for Research and Practice: Significant and positive relationships were found between teacher voice, and psychological safety and personality while the strength of the relationships was low. Therefore, future studies might focus on other individual and organizational factors related to the teacher's voice.


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