Career Indecision and Career Anxiety in High School Students: An Investigation through Structural Equation Modelling

Career Indecision and Career Anxiety in High School Students: An Investigation through Structural Equation Modelling

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between career indecision and career anxiety (career anxiety in terms of the effect of family and choice of profession) in high school students through structural equation modeling (SEM). Research Methods: The method used in the study is the relational model. The study group consisted of 444 students studying at 11th and 12th-grades. Research data was collected using The Scale for Career Anxiety and Career Decision Inventory.Findings: According to the model established, it was concluded that career indecision had an important effect on career anxiety in terms of family effect and choice of profession. In other words, for high school students, as scores related to career indecision increased, their scores related to career anxiety they experienced in terms of family effect and choice of profession also increased.Implications for Research and Practice: In order to decrease career anxiety that high school students experience during the career decision process, it is suggested to determine reasons for career indecision, and to plan career guidance process. In addition, supporting occupational development process with family guidance and professional counseling studies, giving weight to counseling services within the scope of attention, abilities and occupational values, supporting career research, and creating opportunities would also support professional decision-making skills. By this way, difficulties in decision-making related to occupational indecision and career anxiety may be precluded.


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  • ISSN: 1302-597X
  • Başlangıç: 2015
  • Yayıncı: Anı Yayıncılık