A Comparative Study on the Teaching Profession in Turkey and South Korea: Secondary Analysis of TALIS 2008 Data in Relation to Teacher Self-Efficacy

Problem Statement: Teacher self-efficacy is important factor for school and student success. This study investigates the variables that explain teacher self-efficacy in Turkey and South Korea according to TALIS 2008 data. A detailed comparison was conducted and the state of the teaching profession in both countries is discussed.Purpose of the Study: The study aims to compare the teaching profession in Turkey and South Korea in relation to teacher self-efficacy.Method: Data relating to a total of 6194 teachers participating in TALIS 2008 from Turkey and South Korea were re-analyzed and evaluated in relation to teacher self-efficacy. For this purpose TALIS 2008 data were taken from the OECD official web page and subjected to stepwise multiple regression analysis in relation to the variables that can explain teacher self-efficacy.Findings: Results indicated that in both countries, the variable that best explains the teacher self-efficacy is teacher-student relations in the school environment (TSRELAT). The second variable that best explains the teacher self-efficacy is the classroom disciplinary climate (CCLIMATE) for Turkish teachers, it is professional collaboration (TCCOLLAB) for South Korean teachers. Third variable is professional collaboration for Turkish teachers, while it is classroom disciplinary climate and teacher's job satisfaction in South Korean teachers. Job satisfaction is the fourth variable that explains the teacher perception of self-efficacy in Turkey.


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