Zonguldak havalisinin koyun ve keçilerinde vepospirosis

Anahtar Kelimeler:


Summary1 - A contagious disease chamcteTized with high temperatuTeand ieteTOhaemogobinuTia is being observed since many years amongsheeps and goats in different parts of Zonguldak.2 - A stmin included into seTotype of L. grippotyphosa wasisoleted fTom a goat showing some elinical manifastations.3 - Guinea pigs and lambs inoculated with this strain showedthat the path9genicity of this strain was not very high.


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  • 3 - Hartley, W. J.: 1952, Ovine Leptospirosis. Austry. Vet. J., 28 (7), 169-170.
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  • 10 - Hozdm, J. van der: 1953, Leptospira grippotyphosa Strains in Israel. Transac. of the Royal Soc. of Trop. Med. and Hyg, Vol. 41'7 (5), 364- 371. ll - Özg.en, H. ve Tunus, M. : 1954, Türkiye'de ilk olarak Leptospira bovis suşunun kültürel geliştirilmesi . Türk Veteriner Hekimleri Derneği Dergisi. 98 - 99, 1865 - 1866.