Ankara ve civar vilayetleri tavuklarında bulduğumuz helmintler üzerinde araştırmalar

Paraziter hastalıklarla mücadelede başarı sağlamak, evvel§. canlılarda
Anahtar Kelimeler:

tavuk, helminth, ankara

The complete digestive tract of 2367 chickens from Ankara and its surroundingswere examined for helminths. Heterakis gallinae was found in64,9 %, Raillietina echinobothridia in 45,1 '%, Raillietina cesticillus in 39,5 '%,Ascaridia g. in 33,,1 %. Subulura diff. in 21 ,0 %, Capillaria caud. in 18,7 %.Capillaria retusa in 3,2 %, Choanotaenia infundibulum in 3.0 %. Trichostrongylustenuis in 0.2 %. Capillaria annulata, Gongylyonema ingluvicola. Centrorhynchussp. and Echinostoma revolutum in 0,04 '% each. Ammong these helminthsTrichostrongilus tenuis, Gonglionema ingluvicola, Capillaria anulata, Capillariacaudinflata, Capillaria retusa, Centrorhynchus spec. and Echinostoma revolutumwere faund for the first time in Turkey,


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