Hypodermosis tedavisinde yeni bir ilaç olan Trolene 40-W ile yurdumuz sığırları üzerinde deneyler.

ı  -    inanlı İnekhanesi sığırlarında Hypodermosis'e karşı  ı7 Ekim 
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Hypodermosis, Trolene 40-W


ı  -   The  trials of  Trolene 40- W.  were  conducted on October  ı7, ı959 in  the  inanlı State  Dairy  Farm . ~ 2L.:..:..c.. · For---this  purpose  50   cattle  on  various  ages  we:re1 .selected from  different  herds  of  the  farm . . 3  -    Of  50  infected  considered  cattle  25   were  treated  and  the remaining   25.  were  chosen  as  a  control. 4  -     The  insecticide  was  applied  in  the  from  of  drench,  as  a single  oral  dose  of  275 mg.jKg.  of  body  weight. 5  -     The  treated  cattle  were  inspected  in  April  25,  1960  and  indicated  an  average  control  of  grubs  of  74- 100  %.  In  the  same  time the  treated  group  (particularly  the  calves)  gained  in  weight  7,3  o/o more  than  untreated  group. 6  -     There  was  no  serious  side  effect  following  the  treatment with  Trolene  40 -W. 


  • ı - ADKINS, T. R., Jr. (1957). Field evaluations of Dow-ET-57 as a systemic insecticide the control of the common cattıe grub in Alabama . J . Econ. Ent. 50, 574-476.
  • 2 - BEESLEY, W. N. (1960) . Field trials with Trolene (Drw-ET-57., Ron - nel, Etrolene) against warble fly grubs in cattle, Vet. Rec. 72, 21- 23.
  • 3 - BURNS, E. and GOODWİN, E. E. (1958) . Tests with Dow-ET-57, and Bayer 21/199 against cattle grubs in Southwest Louisiana. J . Econ. Ent. 51,545.
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  • 5- HARRISON, I. R. (1958) . The effect of Dow-ET-57 on warblc fl y larvae and lice infections in cattıe. Vet. Rec. 70, 849- 852.
  • 6- HATCH, C. (1958). The control of warble fly (Hypoderma Spp.) in cattle İreland by oral administration of Trolene (Dow-ET-57) . İrish Vet. J . 12, 150- 156 (Abstr. Vet. Bull, 1958; 28, 719).
  • 7 - HATCH, C. (1959) . Further, trials with «Trolene» against warble fly larvae. İbid. 13, 193 (Abstr. Vet. Bull., 1960; 30, 130).
  • 8 - KENNY, J. E. and THORNBERRY, H. (1958) . Trolene (Dow-ET-57) trials 1957- 1958. İbid. 12, 188- 200 (Abst. Vet . Bull., 1S59; 29, 31 7) .
  • 9 - KENNY, J. E. and THORNBERRY, H. (1959) . Trolene (Dow-ET-57) trials 1958 - 1959. İbid. 13, 176 - 180 (Abst. Ve t . Bu ll. , 1960; 30, 252).
  • 10- KNAPP, F. W. TERHAAR, C. J. and ROAN, C. C. (1958). Field stu- dies with feed and bolus fonnulations of (Dow-ET-57) for control of cattle grubs. J . Econ. Ent. 51, 119 - 122.
  • ll - KNAPP, F. \V., BRETHOUR, J. R., HARVEY, T. L. and. ROAN, C. C. (1959) Field observations of increasing resistance of cattle to cattle grubs !bid. 52, 1022- 1023.
  • 12 - KURTPIN AR, H. (1947). Anadolu ehli hayvanlarında görülen Hypo- denna nev'ileri, iktisadi önemi ve mücadelesine dair en uygun tedbirler üzerine araştırmalar. Yüksek Ziraat Enstitüsü Basımevi.
  • 13 - KURTPIN AR, H. (1957). Hypodennosis ve bu hastalıkla mücadelede yenilikler. Türkiye Ziraat mecmuası. 37, 58- 64.
  • 14 - LİNDQUIST, A. W. (1957) . Systemic insecticides for control for cattıe grubs and other livestock insect. Proc. 61 St. Meet. U. S. Livestk. Sanit. Ass., St. Louis, 27 - 224.
  • 15- 1\'IARQUART, W C. and FRITTS, D. H. (195'7). Control of cattle grubs by an orally administered organic Phosphor{ıs compount, J. Amer. Vet. Med. Ass. 131, 421 - 423 .
  • 16- l\'lcCOLLISTER, D. D.; OYEN, F. and ROWE, V. K. (1959). Toxicolo- gical Studies 0,0-Dimethyl-0_ (2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenyl) phosphorothiatc (Ronnel) in Laboratory animals. J. agric. Food Chem. 7, 689- 693 . (A,bsrt. Vet. Bull. 1960; 30, 254) .
  • 17 -Mc GREGOR., W. S. and BUSHLAND, R. C. (1957). Test with Dow- ı/}r-57 against spec:es of cattle grubs. J. Econ. Ent. 50, 246- 249.
  • 18 - NEEL, W. W . (1958). Field tests with systemic insecticides for the control of cattle grubs. !bid. 51, 793 - 795.
  • 19 - PLAPP, F. W. and CASİDA, J. E. (1958) . Bovine metabolism of orga- nopfosphorus insecticides. Metabolic fate of 0,0. dimethyl O- (2, 4, 5- Trichlorophenyl) phosphorothiate in rats a cow. J. agric Food Cheın. 6, 662 ~ 667 . . (Abstr. Vet. Bull., 1,959; 29, 77).
  • 20 - RADELEFF, R. D. and WOODARD, G. T. (1S57). Toxicological studies of Dow-ET-5'7 in cattle and sheep. J . Econ. Ent. 50, 249 - 251.
  • 21 - RAUN, E. S. and HERRİCK, J. B. (1957) . Feedlot tests of the effi- cacy of Dow-ET-57 (Trolene) for control of cattle grubs. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Ass. 131, 421 - 323.
  • 22 - RAUN, E. S. and HERRiCK, J. B . .(1957). Clinical test of the effi- cacy of Dow-ET-57 for grub control in cattle. J. Econ. Ent. 50, 832.
  • 23 - ROGOFF, Wm. l\'1, and KOHLER, P. H. (1959). Free - choice adıni­ nistration of Ronnel in a mineral mixture for the control of cattle grubs. J. Econ. Ent. 52, 958- 952.
  • 24- ROTH, A. R. and. EDDY, G. W. (1957). Tests with Dow-ET-57 against cattle grubs in Oregon. İbid. 50, 244 - 246.
  • 25 - TROLENE (Dow-ET-57) for cattle grub control. A.C.D. !nforınation Bull. 114; 1958. The Dow. Chem. Co.- Midland, Mich.
  • 26- WADE, L. L. and COLBY, R. W. (1958). Treatment time with Dow- ET-ı:i7 for cattle grub control. J. Econ. Ent. 51, 808- 809