Akut seyirli bir kuzu dizanterisi vak'ası üzerine

ı - Sivas Vilayeti Kangal Kazasının Gurunşah Çiftliğinde bini mütecaviz
Anahtar Kelimeler:

kuzu, dizanteri

Entero- toxemie des agneaux nouveau- nes, Lamb dysantery)

ı - A disease has occured in new born lambs up to ı3 days old, whichwere born from more than one thousand ewes, in the farm of Gurunşah , Kangal-Sivas.Clinic, bacteriologic, pathologic and seralogic examinations have beenmade in the sick and dead lambs and the agent of the disease has been foundCl. Welchii-Type B. İt was acute disease and its mortality was 30 per cent.2 - We had sent our identified strains to the w.eııcome Research Laboratory,Beckenham, Kent-England, and they confirmed our diagnosis. Besides,Wellcome İnstitute had sent to us vaccine and concentrate lamb dysenteryserum. We started to wor!{ with this vaccine and serum on protective andtheropetic experiments.


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  • Dr. R. F. Montgomerie ile şahsi mektuplaşma.