Oral Narrating Tradition of The Arab World: A Source Of Inspiration For The Miniature Paintings Of Hariri’s Maqamat

Bu çal mada, 13. yüzy l Irak ve Suriye sinde s kça resmedilmi olan Hariri nin Makamat adl yazmas nda yer alan minyatürlerin Arap dünyas ndaki sözlü anlat m gelene iyle olan ilgisi ara t r lm t r. Amaç, sözlü anlat m gelene iyle, Hariri nin Makamat n n günümüze ula m kurmakt r. Sözlü anlat m gelene inden do mu olan dönemin kukla tiyatrosu ve gölge oyunlar da, Makamat minyatürlerinin kompozisyon düzeni ve figür yerle tirmelerinde etkili olmu tur. sanatç lar n da, bir anlat c taraf ndan canland r lan performanslarda izleyici olduklar varsay labilir. Böylece, minyatürlerin de bu sahne kurgusu ve figür hareketinden esinle düzenlendi i dü ünülebilir


This paper argues the relationship between the miniature paintings of the frequently illustrated manuscript of the 13th century Iraq and Syria, Hariri s Maqamat , and the oral narrating tradition of the Arab world. It is intended to form a link with the oral narrating tradition and the miniature paintings in the three existing copies of Hariri s Maqamat. Puppet theatre and shadow plays of the period, which were derived from the oral narrating tradition, influenced the compositional settings and figure placements seen in those miniature paintings


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Maqamat Hariri: Abu Zayd before the Governor of Mevr (Thirty-eighth Maqama). Baghdad (Iraq), 1225-1235, ms. S.23, Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad.

Maqamat Hariri: Discussion near a Village (Forty-third Maqama). Baghdad (Iraq),1237, Painted by al-Wasiti, ms. Arabe 5847, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.

Book of the Knowledge of Mechanical Devices (Kitab fi Ma rifat al-Hiyal al- Handasiya) of al-Jazari: The Elephant Clock. Probably Syria, 1315, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

De Materia Medica of Dioscorides: The Pharmacy, Baghdad .8Iraq), 1224. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Maqamat Hariri: Abu Zayd before the Cadi of Sada in Yemen (Thirty-seventh Maqama). Baghdad (Iraq), 1225-1235, ms. S.250, Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad.

The photographs of Maqamat Hariri miniature painitngs used in this essay are taken from the book

Arab Painting by R. Ettinghausen.

Story of Bayad and Riyad (Hadith Bayad u Riyad): Bayad singing and playing the ud before the lady and her handmaidens. Maghrib (Spain or Morocco), 13th century. Biblioteca Apostolica, Vatican.

Maqamat Hariri: Abu Zayd addresses an assembly in Najran (Forrty-second Maqama). Probably Syria, 1220, ms. Arabe 6094, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.