On-Site Technology Use in Language Classrooms through the Eyes of the Pre-service Teachers: A qualitative study

On-Site Technology Use in Language Classrooms through the Eyes of the Pre-service Teachers: A qualitative study

In foreign language (FL) learning, albeit technology is widely used it is still discussed what language teachers experience when they are using existing technologies for effective language learning practices. For technology-enhanced language classrooms, the first step would be to determine the needs and possible challenges of technology integration into actual classroom mediums. With this motive, this study aims to investigate the on-site classroom practices of technology use for language teaching through the eyes of the pre-service teachers (PSTs) at a practicum school context. A total of 22 PSTs was required to observe and reflect on the teaching practices of cooperating teachers (CTs) at a high school related to the integration of technology in FL teaching. Data were collected qualitatively via reflection reports and semi-structured interviews along with observation and field notes on technology use, current practices in implementing technology in classes, and PSTs’ own views about technology use with specific examples. The results yielded that PSTs reflected often on the use of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) as accessible technology in the school context. However, they underlined the ineffective use of these devices and CTs’ lack of awareness in implementing technology for enriching learning opportunities. The findings indicate fruitful implications for language teachers and teacher educators to integrate technology into language teacher education (LTE) and language classrooms.


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