Language Teachers’ Digital Literacy and Self-efficacy: Are They Related?

Language Teachers’ Digital Literacy and Self-efficacy: Are They Related?

This study focuses on the relationship between digital literacy and teacher self-efficacy and how foreign language teachers’ self-efficacy and digital literacy differ corresponding to teachers’ gender, experience, major, involvement in ICT training and the amount of time spent online. Participants were 100 foreign language teachers who work at various Colleges of Foreign Languages across Turkey. The quantitative data was collected via two scales; i.e., Digital Literacy Scale (Ng, 2012) and Teacher Sense of Self-efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy, 2001). Findings indicate a significant positive correlation between digital literacy and teacher self-efficacy. In addition, digital literacy and teacher self-efficacy differ according to teachers’ experience, involvement in ICT-training and the amount of time spent online. However, teacher self-efficacy and digital literacy do not differ significantly based on teachers’ gender and majors. Implications and suggestions for further research are discussed.


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