Generation types view and perspectives of EFL instructors on their expectations related to professional development programs

Generation types view and perspectives of EFL instructors on their expectations related to professional development programs

 In-service teacher education programs (INSET) focus on assisting teachers improve themselves to follow innovations in the field and receive the opportunity to share ideas and classroom practices with colleagues.However, most of these attempts cannot reach their goals since they are usually one size fits all type. Some of these programs can even be too demanding on the trainers if they are addressing to a wide range of age groups of trainees.  Thus this study aims to find if any common expectations occur among the two age groups:Generation X and Generation Y.INSET at schools offer training to three different generations with different characteristics. It is thought that such knowledge may contribute to our perspectives in designing INSET programs when there isnot a possibility of designing tailor-made ones.For this purpose a qualitative research is conducted with 113 participants who were contacted through snowball sampling method.Data is gathered through a questionnaire to explore English teachers’ opinions and expectations related to INSET programs, and analysed using content analysis. The results indicate some generation specific views suggestingteacher trainers to consider expectations of teachers and their generation types in organizing INSET. Keywords: In-service teacher training, Professional development, Generation types