Evaluation serves as a major means to identify the benefits and effectiveness of a teaching program. To capture as many potential angles as possible and investigate the opinions of stakeholders with regards to the elements of teaching programs, researchers and program developers generally tend to rely on quantitative survey data. To this end, program evaluation questionnaires play a remarkable role since they ensure to gather quick and sufficient numerical data from a considerable number of respondents. However, the suitability, reliability, and appropriateness of questionnaires for investigating the opinions of stakeholders regarding English language teaching programs (ELTP, henceforth) are considered as narrow-scoped. Based on the argument, the primary concern of the current research is to develop a program evaluation scale for exploring opinions of language teachers by providing insights on all possible angles of ELTP with a particular focus on objectives, content, teaching learning process and assessment of the program. To serve this purpose, a seven-step survey development framework was used for constructing the scale. The findings led to the development of a 33-item scale that involved five components: (a) general overview, (b) goals, (c) content (d) teaching and learning process (e) assessment. Moreover, the overall results indicated Cronbach’s alpha reliability of .94 for the 33-itemed scale.  

Program evaluation,


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