Efficacy of Protein Hydrolysate (Plant Force Advance) Based Formulation on Cotton Yield

Efficacy of Protein Hydrolysate (Plant Force Advance) Based Formulation on Cotton Yield

A field experiment was conducted using Bt. hybrid cotton (var. RS2013) in Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan during Kharif 2017. The agronomic and biological parameters were studied in the cotton crop grown using protein hydrolysate (Plant Force Advance) from waste human hair. The tes t plots were given the foliar spray of liquid formulation (having approx. 8% (v/v) nitrogen and diluted 1:200 with water) after 25 days of seed germination followed by three consecutive sprays after interval of 30 days. The comparisons of means showed increase in height of the treated plants by 20.46%, enhancement in the chlorophyll content of plant leaves by 16.32%, increase in weight of balls per plant by 19.21% as well as 14.32% reduction in immature ball formation per plant as compared to control and the total yield showed an increase of 13.63%. The study concluded that the foliar application of protein hydrolysate along with recommended package of practices in Bt. hybrid cotton have promising results on the yield and growth of cotton under the field conditions.


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