This research deals with the grammatical issues in the book of “The Message of the Sahel and the Shahij” of Abu Ala Ma'ari, These grammatical issues have stopped me; because it was mentioned in this literary letter in which the author was best known by his poetry, literature and philosophy, and wasn’t known by grammar! This was the reason of my choice for these issues, and I saw it as a good material for research and study, I have encountered some difficulties, the most important of which is the hidden question of grammar in the folds of the book, it was contained in the author's fictional style which was coined by him brilliantly, I have adopted the descriptive analytical approach, my work took two approaches, the first of which was to achieve what I need to investigate in these issues, I took out with poetry evidences, honest Hadiths, and sayings from their doubts, and I translated for the media. As for the second approach, I mentioned the matter as Abu Ala mentioned it, and I put each issue under the title of its content, Then I presented each issue to the scientists’ articles, which I outlined the most important, most likely the strongest and expressing Abu Ala's opinion in the matter and I concluded the research with a conclusion that I outlined the most important results of the research and its recommendations, and a list of sources and references. In addition to that I have another purpose in this research other than what I mentioned is to clarify that the ancients despite their distinction in one of the fields of language in the book of their books, such as their excellence in literature for example, they couldn't fully liberate themselves from the grammar that was still running in their blood and flowing from the mouths of their pens on many books of literature and others; between a paragraph and a paragraph or an idea and an idea or an attitude and an attitude, as if they do not see beauty in their literature and do not taste it except in Arabic grammar, which the ancients likened to salt, so they said: "grammar in speech is like salt in food." There is no doubt that this, which they did, indicates a strong and clear indication of the importance of their Arabic grammar and their keen concern to teach it, as if it was an imperative for them to perform it.


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