Sünnet'te İstişâre ve Hz. Peygamber'in İstişare Anlayışının Hulefa-i Raşidin'in Hayatına Yansımaları (İstişare Uygulamaları)

Consultation in Sunnah and Prophed's Understading of Consultation and its Reflection on Khulafa Rashidin ( Practices of Consultation

As the most important principle in human life the position of consultation was stated again by the time divine revelation was revealed to the Last Prophet Muhammad. Looking at Prophet Muhammad’s fulfilling prophecy it has been seen that consultation was considered as a necessary institution which forced to apply to have information from experts in the field of social issues such as war. With re- gard to family and personal relationship the consultations is also considered such an advice which is not far from to be useful. Hence its aim is to give recommen- dation about what is truthful and useful. If we investigated the reflections of consultation in the life of guided succes- sors (Caliphs) whom are the closest source to the Prophet we see that they fulfil- led consultation in the state issues, juridical matters and in the issues that are not applied by nass (religious text). They also benefited from the consultation on the solution of any juridical, administrative and Islamic law (feqh) on the one hand. However, it seems that if they are self sufficient about their own ideas they give up the consultation on the other hand. Abstract Nevertheless neither during the period of the Prophet Muhammad nor the period of the Caliphs the consultation was considered as certain principles of an institutional structure