ENUNCIATIVE  ANALYSIS:  OF THE SUBJECTIVITY  IN THE FALL OF  ALBERT CAMUS This study is focused on the enunciative analysis in the Fall of Albert Camus. Car the form of narration is important as much as the narration itself. In this work, we state the space-time deictics which refers to the time of the act of the enunciation. In addition, we detect the deictics which refers to the time of the narration. So, the point of question is the use of time which belongs to the enuncitation and to the utterance. Consequently, on the contrary, the use of times of the past and the present is not left randomly at all. In fact, that highligts a change at the enunciative level. The whole Fall can be regarded as a discourse. But, to this discourse, the narration is added from time to time. One passes time to time from the narration to the discourse and vice versa. So it is concluded that it is in question of the two types of temporality. In the end we discussed the enunciation, the utterance and the deictics. At each phase of the linguistic production, one notices that there is a subject of enunciation and a subject of utterance. Consequently we wanted to reveal the subjectivity by considering these two subjects in relation to the other people of the singular and plural.


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