Türkçe’nin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretilmesi

elliklerinden nasıl ve ne yönde yararlanabileceğini sergiledim. Bu bilgilerin ışığında yabancı dil öğretmeninin programını yapmadan ve uygulamadan önce neleri araştırıp bulması, nelere dikkat etmesi, dil ve kültür ilişkilerinin ne denli önemli olduğunu göstermek ve hatırlatmak istedim

Türkçe'nin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretilmesi

As is known Turkish Language belongs to Altaic Language family, and it is defined as agglutinative typologically. Accordingly it is also known as an SOV language. Having been acknowledged such a fact, a linguist or a teacher can easily get benefit out of discovering mostly the similarities and distinctions among the members of that family. As C.C. Fries mentioned in 1957, there have been some blind-spots in learning a language. The more exist such blind-spots, the harder you learn a foreign language. In Turkey, since 1993 TÖMER has tried to teach Turkish to foreigners in the name of the Turkish Goverment via Ankara University. In this article I tired to pintpoint the highlights of teaching Turkish as a foreign language with respect to make programs, curriculum and syllabi. On the other hand the significance of needs analysis has been emphasized and given an adapted needs analysis questionaire for example.


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Cengiz Tosun is an ELT professor at Çankaya University. He is the director of the

School of Foreign Languages at Çankaya University. He has articles on language and

linguistic studies and has presented papers in his field. He has been teaching different ELT

and linguistic courses since his academic career.