The 114 European Workshop: Religious Diversity and Intercultural Education*

Globalization which has been experienced all around the world since the beginning of the 19,h century can be seen almost in all components of a society. As a natural consequence of this process it is seen that any change emerged in a particular segment of the society would trigger the changes of the others. For instance increasing multi-cultural population İn western countries has given the rise to appearance of new concepts such as pluralism, cultural and religious diversity and Interreligious dialogue. And a result of it, the issues on "intercultural, multi-cultural, inter-religious and multi-religious education" has been started to be taken into the agenda of different international organizations. In this context, The Council of Europe has become one of the organizations which aim to promote awareness and encourage the development of Europe's cultura! identity and diversity and to seek solutions to problems facing European society such as discrimination against minorities, intolerance, xenophobia and terrorism right after its foundation in 19491.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

European, Workshop, Religious

The 114 European Workshop: Religious Diversity and Intercultural Education*

Globalization which has been experienced all around the world since the beginning of the 19,h century can be seen almost in all components of a society. As a natural consequence of this process it is seen that any change emerged in a particular segment of the society would trigger the changes of the others. For instance increasing multi-cultural population İn western countries has given the rise to appearance of new concepts such as pluralism, cultural and religious diversity and Interreligious dialogue. And a result of it, the issues on "intercultural, multi-cultural, inter-religious and multi-religious education" has been started to be taken into the agenda of different international organizations. In this context, The Council of Europe has become one of the organizations which aim to promote awareness and encourage the development of Europe's cultura! identity and diversity and to seek solutions to problems facing European society such as discrimination against minorities, intolerance, xenophobia and terrorism right after its foundation in 19491.


  • İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı: 17, Yıl: 2008