Barış İnşası ve Çatışma Çözümünde Müzik: Fairouz Vakası

Bugün Ortadoğu'nun birçok ülkesinde Lübnanlı şarkıcı Fairouz kültürel ve politik bir ikon, aynı zamanda da barış sembolü ve Lübnanlılık ruhunun somutlaşmış hali olarak kabul edilir. Fairouz'un güçlü ve etkileyici sesiyle biçimlenen imgesinin 1975 yılında Lübnan'da patlak veren 15 yıllık iç savaşın ilerlemesini durduracak derecede etkili olduğuna inanılır. Fairouz bir müzisyen olarak Ortadoğu'nun hem kültürel hem de dini çeşitliliğini Lübnanlı milliyetçilik duygularıyla birlikte yansıtarak Lübnan'ın özgürlük davasıyla eşdeğer noktaya ulaşmıştır. Bu makale, hem sesi hem de sessizliğiyle Fairouz'un şiddetli toplumsal çatışmaları, birlikte yaşam, uzlaşma ve barışla ikame etme konusunda müziğin gizli gücünü ortaya koyma biçimini keşfedip tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır

Music in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution: The Case of Fairouz

Today, the Lebanese singer Fairouz is regarded as a cultural and political icon, a symbol of peace and humanity, and embodiment of the soul of Lebanon. Her image formed by her powerful voice is so influential, to the extent that she is believed to have stopped the progress of the 15-year civil war in Lebanon that broke out in 1975. This article seeks to explore and discuss the ways Fairouz has revealed the power of music that overcomes the impasses of conflict, the value of peace, reconciliation, and coexistence both with her singing and silence on the on hand, and has become synonymous with the cause of freedom of Lebanon, reflecting both the cultural and religious diversity along with Lebanese nationalistic sentiments on the other


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  • Fairuz. (2004). Encyclopedia of World Biography. 3404702081.html (accessed March 25, 2016).
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  • Held, C. C. (1994). Middle East Patterns: Places, People and Politics. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
  • Hourani, A. (1991). A History of the Arab Peoples. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  • Hudson, M. C. (1968). The Precarious Balance: Modernization in Lebanon. New York: Random House. Janssen, J. and Huystee P. van. (2003). We Loved Each Other So Much. PvH Film (Firm), IKON (Association), & Icarus Films Home Video. Brooklyn, N.Y.: First Run/Icarus Films Home Video.
  • Khalaf, S. and Khoury P., (1993). Recovering Beirut: Urban Design and Post-War Reconstruction. Lei- den: E. J. Brill. Phares, W. (1995). Lebanese Christian Nationalism: The Rise and Fall of an Ethnic Resistance. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner.
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  • Stone, C. R. (2008). Popular Culture and Nationalism in Lebanon: The Fairouz and Rahbani Nation. Routledge studies in Middle Eastern literatures, 18. London: Routledge.
  • i Fairouz is also spelled as Fairuz, Fayrouz, Feyrouz, Feiruz, or Feyruz in different sources. ii Although this date is given by many sources as the exact birth date of Fairouz, it is not definite. Some sources suggest that she was born either in 1934 or 1933.
  • iii According to some sources, Asi and Fairouz got married in 1954.
  • iv For an analysis of Palestine’s connotations in the Rahbani Brothers' musical plays, see Fawwaz Trabulsi’s Jabal al-Suwwan: Filastin fi fan Fairuz wa-l-Rahabneh (Mountains of Flint: Palestine in the Art of Fairuz and the Rahbani Brothers), alKarmel , no. 57 (Fall 1998), pp. 203-12. 7.