Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi-Cumhuriyet Theology Journal ISSN: 2528-9861 e-ISSN: 2528-987X CUID, December 2017, 21 (3): 2135-2140

There is a great deal of news from the Prophet concerning especiallythe future of the Islamic umma in Islamic sources. Their common features arethat they inform about ghayb, “unseen”. Because of these narrations mostly reportedfrom the Prophet, this has brought about various opinions among Muslimswho have interpreted them throughout centuries. This situation is also presenttoday. It is important to know that these narrations are evaluated in termsof the measurement of Qur'an and Prophetic tradition, and also the measurementof these two sources is important. This work, which is tried to be evaluated, deals with the nature of the news / reports about the Unseen (ghayb) and howimportant the Qur’ānic approach to their understanding.
