Phrygie Maritime, Phrygie Hellespontique, Satrapie de Phrygie Hellespontique Face au Pseudo-Skylax 93-96

Seaboard Phrygia, Hellespontic Phrygia, Satrapy of Hellespontic Phrygia and Pseudo-Skylax

The periplous allotted a long time to Skylax of Karyanda, now called the PS-Skylax, is a text which it is difficult to classify. This work is connected rather with a compilation carried out starting from different sources and of various times and cannot be regarded as a real tour. We suggest approaching some points of this book in order to offer tracks of research on paragraphs 93 to 96. The study of these four passages, which present the coast between Mysia and Aeolid, shows that the writer has a good knowledge of the local geography, in spite of the absence of a complete orographical description and of some coastal cities. The sources which it compiles make it possible him to propose a chart up to date which the data are rather well assured. That underlines also the wealth and the variety of the consulted works, but that we have large pains to define with exactitude. It is also impossible to date the editorial staff of these paragraphs in spite of the disappearance of the city of Olbia for the benefit of Astakos into 435 (?) and the hypothetical change of the name of Brylleion in Myrleia towards 330 (?).


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