The Impact of Familiar Implementation and Unusual Artistic Implementation of Recycled Materials in Building Design on People’s Experience and Mental Health

Building design can impact people’s mental health. Waste negatively affects the environment by polluting the air, water, and soil. Recycling waste in building construction was encouraged to support sustainability. The aim is to provide information about how different ways of executing recycled materials in building design can impact users’ experience and mental health. 173 study participants watched two videos of a house built from recycled materials, which were noticeable as recycled waste in the structure of the building (building A), and a house built from recycled materials but not pronounced as recycled waste (building B). After watching the videos, the participants rated statements in a questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale (quantitative measure) and answered open-ended questions (qualitative measure). Data were analyzed based on percentages and cross-tabulated to assign qualities to design environments. Descriptive data were organized in tables and figures. Most visitors (81.3%) claimed that touring building B decreased their anxiety and was a relaxing experience compared to what they felt when they were touring building A. Most study participants experienced positive emotions in building B compared to building A. To encourage people to use recycled waste in the construction of their buildings, the final execution of the building should look familiar and avoid giving the feeling that what was used is waste.

The Impact of Familiar Implementation and Unusual Artistic Implementation of Recycled Materials in Building Design on People’s Experience and Mental Health

Building design can impact people’s mental health. Waste negatively affects the environment by polluting the air, water, and soil. Recycling waste in building construction was encouraged to support sustainability. The aim is to provide information about how different ways of executing recycled materials in building design can impact users’ experience and mental health. 173 study participants watched two videos of a house built from recycled materials, which were noticeable as recycled waste in the structure of the building (building A), and a house built from recycled materials but not pronounced as recycled waste (building B). After watching the videos, the participants rated statements in a questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale (quantitative measure) and answered open-ended questions (qualitative measure). Data were analyzed based on percentages and cross-tabulated to assign qualities to design environments. Descriptive data were organized in tables and figures. Most visitors (81.3%) claimed that touring building B decreased their anxiety and was a relaxing experience compared to what they felt when they were touring building A. Most study participants experienced positive emotions in building B compared to building A. To encourage people to use recycled waste in the construction of their buildings, the final execution of the building should look familiar and avoid giving the feeling that what was used is waste.


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