A View on Teacher Training Programs in Turkey

A View on Teacher Training Programs in Turkey

The issue of the training and employment of qualified teachers has continued to exist for a long time as a significant problem in Turkey. Sometimes the teachers are employed according to their KPSS (Public Personnel Selection Exam) results regardless of their majors and formation records. Moreover, this test only measures the knowledge of the candidates while it cannot evaluate the qualities such as attitude, behavior, self-sacrifice and professional idealism. However, these indispensable qualities of the profession are expected to develop automatically in line with the desire "to become a teacher" at the beginning of candidate's educational life, and the candidates are supposed to internalize the requirements of the profession. All institutions of higher education in Turkey possess a specific purpose of establishment; accordingly, the purpose of establishment in the Faculties of Education is to train teachers. Nevertheless, the formation program creates a perception indicating that anyone can perform the teaching activities, and it makes the profession ordinary. However, teaching is not an ordinary profession. Therefore, teacher candidates should be educated only at the institutions of higher educations that educate teachers. Through the determination of the quotas at these institutions according to the needs for teachers in MoNE (Ministry of National Education), the problem of "unassigned teachers" that has emerged today can be solved by preventing the emergence of supernumerary teachers. In this study, a questionnaire consisting of ten questions and containing our propositions was conducted on 600 students, 97 academicians, 120 teachers and 18 MoNE employees that were chosen as subjects. The subjects who responded to the questions monotonously were excluded from the study. As understood from the survey analyses, significant trends were observed in conforming views. In addition, our propositions were also confirmed by the students' answers, especially in the bilateral dialogues. For example, most of the students receiving education at other institutions apart from the Faculty of Education said "no" to the question "if you had the chance to be employed in a profession related to your major, would you still strive for becoming a teacher by losing time and financial resources (in the formation programs)?" Accordingly, it is considered that the individuals will become happier if they are employed in the fields they have received education and that this approach will produce more positive outcomes in terms of professional peace.


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