Bu çalışmanın konusu, Almanya’da din görevlilerinin istihdam ve eğitiminde benimsenen yeni yöntem ve uygulamalardır. Buna göre çalışmanın amacı, Almanya’da din görevlisi istihdam ve eğitiminde yeni yöntem arayışlarını tespit etmek, bunların imkân ve sınırlarını ortaya koymaktır. Verilerin toplanmasında nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden literatür taraması (doküman incelemesi) kullanılmıştır. Böylece konuya ilişkin kaynaklar/dokümanlar tespit edilmiş, toplanmış ve bütüncül bir anlayışla ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz yaklaşımı ile analiz edilmiş; alt problemlerle uyumlu bir şekilde temalara göre düzenlenmiş, tanımlanmış ve açıklanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, Almanya’daki din görevlilerinin büyük bir bölümünün yurt dışından, özellikle de Türkiye’den geldiği, bunların da önemli bir bölümünün Diyanet İşleri Türk İslam Birliğine bağlı cami ve derneklerde görev aldıkları tespit edilmiştir. Almanya’daki din görevlilerinin eğitim ve istihdamının dini toplulukların görev ve sorumluluğu altında olduğu, bu durumun Federal Anayasa’nın ilgili maddelerince güvence altına alındığı belirlenmiştir. Bazı dini toplulukların bu konuda uzun yıllara dayanan deneyim ve tecrübelere sahip olmakla birlikte bu eğitimlerin kurumsal ve sistematik olmadığı saptanmıştır. Artan siyasi baskıların Müslüman çatı örgütleri din görevlisi eğitim ve istihdamında resmi kurum ve kuruluşlarla iş birliği yapmaya zorladığı belirlenmiştir. Buna göre bazı dini topluluklar söz konusu sürecin birer parçası olurken, bazıları Alman devletinin taleplerine ihtiyatlı yaklaşmaya devam etmektedir. Alman devleti, ilahiyat programlarının içeriğini doğrudan belirleyemediği gibi din görevlilerinin sahip olması gereken özellikler ile din görevliliğinin gerektirdiği şartları da düzenleyememektedir. Bu nedenle yetkililer bir taraftan din görevlisi eğitimine dair akademik düzeyde öneriler geliştirirken, diğer taraftan bu önerilerin Müslüman örgütler tarafından kabul edilmesi için çaba göstermektedir.


The subject of this study is the new methods and practices adopted in the employment and education of religious officials in Germany. Accordingly, the aim of the study is to identify the search for new methods in the employment and education of religious officials in Germany and to reveal their possibilities and limits. The study is bounded by the employment and education of religious officials in Germany. Relsted documents were read using the inductive method, accordingly coding was done and themes were created. In the research, case study design, one of the qualitative research desings and survey model were preferred. In this context, it has been tried to obtain data from as many different sources as possible about the employment and education of religious officials in Germany. The obtained data were analysed by descriptive analysis method. The data were organised, defined and explained according to the themes in accordance with the sub problems. The findings are limited to the data obtained from the sources that the researchers could identify and access on the subject and to the comments made accordingly. As a result of the research, it has been determined that most of the religious officials in Germany come from abroad, especially from Turkey, and a significant part of them work in mosques and associations affiliated to DITIB. It has been observed that the education and employment of the staff to be employed in the religious services in Germany is under the duty and responsibility of the religious communities, and this situation is guaranteed in accordance with the relevant articles of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. It has been determined that some religious communities have many years of practice and experience in the employment and education of religious officials. However, these educations are neither institutional nor systematic. Increasing political pressures have forced Islamic umbrella organizations to cooperate with official institutions and organizations in the employment and education of religious officials. Accordingly, while some religious communities are a part of the process in question, some are cautious about the demands of the German state. It has been determined that the German state can not directly determine the content of the theology programs, nor can it regulate qualifications and competencies that the religious officials should have and the conditions of the religious officials. For this reason, the authorities, on the one hand, develop recommendations on the training of religious officials at the academic level. On the other hand, they strive for the acceptance of these proposals by the Islamic organisations. Another result of the research is that the criticisms against the current employment and education of religious officials are grouped under three main headings. These are the continuation of the relations of the religious officials with the source countries and actors and being under their influence, the foreignness felt to the interlocutors and the understanding of religion one has. In Germany, religious officials are not only those who carry out traditional religious services in mosques, but they are olsa understood as persons that serve many functional purposes like social, cultural, scientific, sports, etc. aims. It is only possible for religious officials to fulfill these duties and responsibilities expected of them if they have certain qualifications and competencies. At this point, common qualifications, competencies, duties and responsibilities that religious officials should have should be determined, and education programs should be developed in line with these qualifications, competencies, duties and responsibilities. In this context, it can be suggested that religious officials fulfill various duties and have features in the context of religious services both inside and outside the mosque. Religious officials in Germany should contribute to the adaptation of Muslims to Germany as much as they should contribute to the preservation of the Muslim identity of the Muslims here. It is inevitable for these religious officials to take an active role in inter-religious/intercultural dialogue studies. Religious officials are also expected to establish healthy relations with German local governments. As an extension of this, accompanying various ceremonies and celebrations and doing youth work are among the duties and responsibilities expected from religious officials. In order to be able to do all these, the precondition is that they are competent on the German language, culture and social structure. In addition, they must have the knowledge and skills to provide traditional religious services.


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