Çölyaklı Çocuklara Yapılan Kısa ve Uzun Aralıklı Beslenme Eğitiminin Antropometrik Ölçümler ve Hastalık Bulguları Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Amaç: Bu araştırma Hacettepe Üniversitesi, İhsan Doğramacı Çocuk Hastanesi, Gastroenteroloji Bölümünde izlenen 7-17 yaş arası toplam 29 çölyak hastasına verilen kısa (15 günde bir) ve uzun aralıklı (3 ayda bir) beslenme eğitiminin, hastaların antropometrik ölçümlerine ve klinik bulgularına etkisini incelemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bireyler ve Yöntem: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Dr. İhsan Doğramacı Çocuk Hastanesi Gastroenteroloji Ünitesinde biyopsi sonucunda çölyak hastalığı tanısı konmuş 14 çocuğa kısa aralıklı beslenme eğitimi (KABE-15 gün ara ile) ve 15 çocuğa uzun aralıklı beslenme eğitimi (UABE-3 ayda bir) verilmiş ve bu eğitimlerin antropometrik ölçümlere, klinik bulgulara, hemoglobin düzeylerine ve serolojik testlerden anti-endomisyum antikor (EMA) varlığı üzerine etkisi, başlangıç, 3. ay ve 6. aylarda incelenmiştir. Bulgular: On-13 yaş grubunda hem kısa aralıklı beslenme eğitimi (KABE) alan hastalarda hem de uzun aralıklı beslenme eğitimi (UABE) alan hastalarda ilk üç ayın sonunda vücut ağırlığında artış görülse de, KABE alan hastaların vücut ağırlığında gerçekleşen artış, UABE alan hastalarınkine göre önemli bulunmuştur (p=0.045). Yaşa göre boy uzunluğu persentil değerlerine bakıldığında KABE alan grupta başlangıçta

Impact of Short and Long Interval Training of Children with Celiac Disease on Anthropometric Measurements and Disease Findings

Aim: This research was carried out with a view to investigate the reflection of adaptation of a gluten-free diet as a result of short interval (once in 15 days) and long interval (once in 3 months) training of 29 celiac patients aged 7-17 years and followed up in Hacettepe University, İhsan Doğramacı Children Hospital Gastroenterology Department, on the clinical, anthropometric and serologic findings of the patients. Subjects and Methods: A total of 14 children who were diagnosed with coeliac disease with a biopsy at the gastroenterology unit of Hacettepe University were given dietetic training at short intervals (CNT - 15 day intervals), and 15 more were given dietetic training at long intervals (DNT 3 month intervals), and evaluated the impact of the training regimens on anthropometric measurements, clinical findings, haemoglobin levels and anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA)at the beginning, 3th month, 6th month of the study period. Results: Despite of an increase of body weight seen in the age group 10-13,in both groups, receiving continuous nutrition training (CNT) and discontinuous nutrition training (DNT), statistically significant increase of body weight was determined at the end of 3 months in the patients receiving CNT, compared to patients receiving DNT (p=0.045). Height for age percentiles were examined, and it was found that the height of the patients <3. percentiles decreased from 60% to 46.6% (13.4%) in DNT group and decreased from 50% to 28.6% (21.4%) in CNT group. The increase in mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) is deemed significant in the case of CNT patients aged 7-9 (p=0.040). It is found that 9 inception complaints (abdominal swelling, gas, nausea, vomiting, constipation, anemia, eczema, cyanosis and hair loss) out of 18 have not been seen in CNT patients (100%). It is also explored that 2 clinical findings (11.1%) (vomiting, cyanosis) have been completely (100%) eliminated in DNT group. At the end of six months, CNT group’s negative rate is considered more significant compared to the DNT group’s rate (p=0.012). Conclusion: With the training on an adequate and balanced diet, the children and adolescents with life-long celiac disease could catch up with their peers and an improvement in their life qualities through a decrease in frequency of clinical complaints, could be achieved.


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