The Anatolians of the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Age

In the tables of data I indicated the measurements in numerical order following Martin-Saller's Handbook, but in the summarytables where I consider only II essential characters, this order is altered because I want to keep together the traits which logically go by couples, as: (a) the two fundamental measurements of the skull (maximum length and breadth); b) the two vault heights (auricular and basibregmatic); (c) the two measurements of the face (upper facial height and bizygoma tic breadth); (d) the two measurements of the nose (height and maximum breadth of the apertura piriformis); (e) the three indices: cranial, upper facia!, and nasal. In the tables of data, for each character or measurement, the first horizontal line of figures refers to males, the second one to females. Owing to the fact that the exact sexing of the skeletal remains, and particularly of the skulls is difficult and the answer very dubious, I compared and analyzed the intersex (asexual) values, adding, when in suitable cases, the male and female values.