Sosyal açıdan insanların temel ihtiyaçlarından biri olan ulaşım kara, deniz ve hava yolu aracılığıyla sağlanmaktadır. Bunların içerisinde en yaygın kullanılan ise karayolu ulaşımıdır. Karayolları, kentsel mekânı da şekillendirdiği gibi, kentlerin gelişme yönünü de belirlemektedir. Kent içi yollar ise o kent ile ilgili ilk izlenimlerin oluştuğu, kentsel mekânın kalitesini yansıtan önemli alanlardır. Günümüz koşullarında karayolları, güvenlik, trafik kontrolü ve estetik algı açısından bitkisel tasarımlarla desteklenmektedir. Özellikle büyük şehirlerde bu konuya gerekli hassasiyet gösterilirken, küçük ve orta ölçekli şehirlerde bu teoriler uygulamada yeterince yer bulamamaktadır. Çalışma alanında da bu eksiklikler tespit edilmiştir. Zonguldak İl Merkezi’nde bulunması, çevresinde kentin önemli kamusal mekânlarının yer alması ve kullanıcı yoğunluğunun bulunması çalışma alanının seçilmesinde etkili olmuştur.   Bu çalışmada, Zonguldak-Kozlu karayolunun (Milli Egemenlik Caddesi), mevcut bitkilendirme tasarımı işlevsel ve estetik algı ilkeleri çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiş, eksiklikleri saptanmış ve bu eksikliklerin giderilmesi yönünde öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, çalışma alanının önemli bir bölümünde karayolu peyzaj tasarım ilkeleri ile örtüşmeyen uygulamalar gözlenmiştir. Alanın odak noktalarında yapılan bitkisel tasarımların kentsel mekânın algılanmasında estetik açıdan etkili sayılabileceği, ancak trafik kontrolü ve konfor açısından yetersiz olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bitkilendirme tasarımlarında yörenin ekolojik koşullarına uyumlu, toz ve gaz emisyonlarına toleranslı, kuraklık, rüzgar, don gibi olumsuz iklim koşullarına dayanıklı türler tercih edilmelidir. Ayrıca karayolu çevreleri gibi süreklilik gösteren önemli kentsel yeşil alanların estetik açıdan da etkili tasarımlarla bitkilendirilmesi, yapılan uygulamaların sürdürülebilir olması için de düzenli bakımının yapılması gerekmektedir. 


Transportation, which is one of the basic needs of people from the social point of view, is provided through land, sea and air way. The most common of these is highway transport. As well as shaping the urban space, the highways also determine the development direction of the cities. Urban roads are important areas that reflect the quality of urban space, where first impressions of the city are formed. In today's conditions, highways are supported with plant designs in terms of security, traffic control and aesthetic perception. Especially in big cities, this subject is sensitive enough, but in small and medium sized cities, these theories do not find enough places in practice. In metropolitan cities, traffic jam negatively affected on people psychology, and these adverse effects can be eliminated with planting designs made according to the technique. Highways are public spaces where the intense interaction between people and the environment. These places are important elements that provide the relationship between constructions and green spaces. The fact that the highways are the structural elements that outstanding, it necessary to make landscape arrangements in terms of visual effect. In this study, present planting design of Zonguldak-Kozlu Highway (Milli Egemenlik Street) was evaluated within the framework of functional and aesthetic perception principles, deficiencies were determined and suggestions were made to eliminate these deficiencies.The study area, cover the part of Zonguldak-Kozlu Highway which is 5.7 km long, starting from the intersection surrounded by the entrance shopping centers, hotel and the entrance of Bülent Ecevit University to the entrance of Değirmenağzı Tunnel. The study was conducted by four stages. The literature research on the field and the subject was completed in the first stage. In the second stage, a natural and cultural landscaping inventory was created. In the third stage, the environmental relations of the area was revealed and the method to be applied in evaluations was explained. At this stage, the 5.7 km long highway has been divided into 6 equal zones, each of which covers the road about 1 km in the length, and has been evaluated in terms of planting design through land observations, Google Earth satellite images and photographs. At the last stage, suggestions were given to improve the functional and aesthetic qualities of highway planting in the area. The presence in the Zonguldak Provincial Center has been influential in the selection of the study area, including the location of important public places in the city and the user density. Some deficiencies have been determined in the planting design of the study area. The elimination of these deficiencies will provide contributions to landscape in terms of aesthetics, as well as to regulate traffic and provide road safety. Refuge arrangements were found to be inadequate in terms of aesthetic and functional aspects. Especially not effective enough for traffic control. The number of species used at intersections that are in focus is quite small. Planting design does not have visually impressive qualities. Some of the large green areas along the roads have positive features in terms of planting design. Functionally, however, fall short of the expectations. It has been observed that the planting species used are inadequate to provide slope stabilization. It has been determined that some of the pavement do not comply with the standards. Inadequate maintenance work is one of the reasons after the application.  As a result, applications that do not coincide with highway landscape design principles have been observed in a significant part of the study area. It has been determined that planting designs made at the focal points of the area may be regarded as aesthetically effective in the perception of the urban space but are inadequate in terms of traffic control and comfort. In planting designs, species resistant to adverse climatic conditions such as drought, wind and frost should be preferred in accordance with the ecological conditions of the area, tolerant to dust and gas emissions. In addition, it is necessary to regularly care for important sustainable urban green areas such as road circles to be planted with effective design in terms of aesthetics and for sustainable applications. In highway landscape planning, plant design is an important dimension. It is necessary to comply with the principles laid out in scientific ways at all stages, from the planning to the maitenance, to the success of the design. In terms of ecological wishes and tolerance to environmental effects, plants suitable for the conditions of the place should be preferred. Landscape architecture as a profession discipline is an important actor in the planning of highways and planting design. It is important for the municipality and other governing units to receive support from landscape architects and related disciplines in terms of sustainability of the applications.


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