Determination of General Parameters of WSNs Designed for 3-D Closed Environments

Determination of General Parameters of WSNs Designed for 3-D Closed Environments

Use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has become widespread in many critical environments. For example, this technology has come into use in tunnels, mines and so on. In this kind of environments, a WSN system design must be far away from randomness and be done systematically. Therefore simulators play a significant role in a WSN system design. Success of a simulator affects directly success of the system. In this paper, we preferred Castalia simulator which is a successful WSN simulator based on OMNET. Many parameters such as different data size, indoor environment features, and various transmission power levels etc., which have an effect on packet reception ratio (PRR), were examined by Castalia. Finally, we explain how to design a WSN system, and what should be considered in a WSN simulation.


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