Performance Analysis of Slotted Aloha Protocol in Wireless Cognitive Radio Networks

Performance Analysis of Slotted Aloha Protocol in Wireless Cognitive Radio Networks

With the growing use of frequency based servicesand devices, the cognitive radio network has become animportant technology for the future of wireless networks.However, the number of frequency based network applicationsfor fixed and mobile devices both in licensed, and unlicensednetworks also shows a significant increase. In addition tofrequency based applications; for efficient use of spectrum incognitive radio networks, characteristics of medium accesstechniques is utilized. Among these medium access techniques,slotted Aloha technique is among the most preferred. In ourstudy, simulation of a cognitive radio network environment thatconsists of primary and secondary users utilizing slotted Alohamedium access technique is performed. The simulation ofdesigned network environment is carried out by using Riverbedsoftware. Upon making end to end delay analysis of the designednetwork, the results of maximum number of users that could besupported in cognitive radio networks utilizing slotted Alohatechnique is observed.


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