The Autonomous Territorial Unit (ATU) Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri) is located in the southern part of the Republic of Moldova (RM) and belongs to the independent economic region of the country. The total area of ATU Gagauzia is 1848 km² or 6.1% of the total territory of the Republic of Moldova. The territory of ATU Gagauzia is located in the Budjak steppe, which is part of the southern Moldavian hilly plain. The relief is characterized by steppes and small hills. The climate is temperate continental. In winter, the air temperature is unstable. Frequent thaws and frost-free days have a negative effect on grape plants, often renew vegetation. The agro-industrial sector, which accounts for up to 70% of the region’s GDP, traditionally dominates the economy of ATU Gagauzia. This is facilitated by the favorable climate and region relief. The total area of agricultural land reaches 150 thousand hectares, of which 100 thousand belong to the arable land, and about 26 thousand hectares to orchards and vineyards. Viticulture of autonomy is the most intense branch in agricultural production. The development of viticulture is one of the most important agricultural tasks for ATU Gagauzia. This article shows the social and economic importance of viticulture in modern conditions. It also presents the main indicators of grape production in the ATU Gagauzia, an analysis of the state of the industry, in which production stability data are outlined the technical and table grape varieties. In addition, there are presented a positive experience of cultivating grapes in the autonomy, a comparative analysis of grape production in agricultural enterprises of ATU Gagauzia. The article also presents in graphical form the dynamics of the areas of vine plantations and, on the basis of the revealed trend, an assessment of changes in their area. The main technological features of the cultivation of technical and table grape varieties in the argoecological conditions of the ATU Gagauzia are given.


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