A model suggestion for determining physical and socio-cultural changes of traditional settlements in Turkey

The processes of change observed in many field today such as urbanization, urban transformation and globalization which all are caused by socio-cultural, technological, economic, ecologic and politic factors have great influence on peo-ple, relationships, living environments, houses and cities. Existing as a loop these dynamics interact with each other and structure the new parts of the city as well as transform the old / traditional settlements. It is seen that traditional life style and buildings have changed and/or decreased in terms of functional incompetence and dilapidation in accordance with these transformations and changing require-ments of the century. It is possible to state that the traditional housing areas, as an important component for cultural sustainability and worth of historical heritage have transformed accordingly in terms of socio-cultural and physical ways with their users. Some questions occur at that point like “How can we find out if a settlement has changed?”, “How can this change can be formulated?”, “What is the rate of the change?”. It is aimed to answer these questions using a method for comparison of traditional settlement parameters with new settlement parameters in Turkey and put forward the physical and socio-cultural changes.


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