Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) became an important theme in the 20th century arts including literature. This theme was unfolded in the works of the writers of the war period, and each of them portrayed the war according to their own piierceptions. One of them is the war prose writer Yuri Bondarev who is a follower of Leo Tolstoy’s anti-war tradition. Yu.Bondarev’s works are full of the truth related to the psychological disaster cause by war. One of the author’s works reflecting this truth is his novella “The Battalions Request Fire”. Moral and mental changes produced in people’s lives by war are clearly traced in the novella. This paper presents an effort to analyse Yu.Bondarev’s “The Battalions Request Fire” in the light of the resources psychology provides for the analysis of literary works. Our aim was to demonstrate the way psychology is applied in the analysis of the works of literature, and to make a contribution to the research in the area of the psychology of literature


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