THE POTENTIAL OF IBAZIYYA TO BE A ROLE MODEL FOR CONTEMPORARY FUNDAMENTALIST MOVEMENTS الإباضية وإمكانية أن تكون نموذجاً يحتذى به عند الحركات الأصولية المعاصرة Abstract As the spiral of violence surrounding the Middle East gained an international dimension, articles related to radical/fundamentalist movements became more visible. Describing the fundamentalist groups that adopt violence as a method as Neo-Kharijis and considering Ibazis as a Khariji sect unites fundamentalist movements and Ibazism at the common point of Kharijism. From this point of view, in this article, the potential of Ibaziyya to be a role model for radical movements that adopt violence as a method will be discussed. In the article, first of all, the development of fundamentalism is briefly evaluated, and then, in the last chapter, the fundamentalist potential of Ibaziyya is discussed by emphasizing the methodological problems in dealing with the group called Khawarij in the historical sources of sects. The confines of the article are limited to the critique of deep-seated opinions rather than a historical period. As a result, it has been determined that Ibaziyya is different from the Khariji groups that adopted violence as a method in the past and that it has no similarity to the contemporary fundamentalist movements regarding the thought and action plan. Keywords: Fundamentalism, Radicalism, Khawarij, Ibadiyya


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