ÖZET: Bu araştırma, İvesi ve Morkaraman koyunlarında transferrin (Tf) tiplerinin belirlenmesi, Tf tipleri ile  çeşitli verim özellikleri arasındaki muhtemel ilişkilerin araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır.                Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Çiftliğinde bulunan İvesi ırkından 49, Morkaraman ırkından 52 adet olmak üzere toplam 101 adet saf anaç koyun üzerinde yürütülen çalışmada doğum, sütten kesim, 90. gün ağırlığı, mer'a sonu ağırlığı, kırkım sonu canlı ağırlık ve sütten kesime kadar günlük canlı ağırlık artışı ile kirli yapağı verimi tespit edilmiştir.                Hayvanların boyun toplar damarından (W. Jugularis) 7.5 cc kan alınmıştır. Alınan kan örneklerinin serum ve alyuvar kısımları ayrılmıştır. Yatay nişasta jel elektroforez yöntemi ile serumdan transferrin  tip tayini yapılmıştır.                Araştırmada beş transferrin alleli (A, B, M, D ve E) ve bu alleller tarafından oluşturulan üç homozigot (AA, BB ve MM), altı heterozigot (AB, AM, AD, BD, BM ve BE) olmak üzere toplam 9 fenotip gözlenmiştir.                Doğum ağırlığında Tf BM, MM ve AB tipliler Tf BD tipinden; sütten kesim ağırlığında, Tf BD tipi Tf AD, AA ve BM tiplerinden; 90. gün ağırlığında Tf MM tipi Tf AD, BD, AM ve BB tiplerinden, Tf BM tipi Tf AD tipinden; sütten kesime kadar günlük canlı ağırlık artışında ise Tf MM tipi diğer bütün tiplerden, Tf AB tipi Tf AD, AA, BB ve AM tiplerinden önemli derecede (P<0.05) yüksek bulunmuşlardır. Aynı özellik, Tf BD tipinde Tf AD, AA, BB, AM ve BM tiplerinden, Tf BM tipi Tf AD ve AA tiplerinden, Tf AM, BB ve AA tipleri ise Tf AD tipinden önemli derecede (P<0.05) yüksek bulunmuştur.                Mer'a sonu ağırlığında Tf BM tipi diğer bütün tiplerden, Tf AM ve BB tipleri ise Tf AB tipinden önemli derecede (P<0.05) yüksek bulunmuştur. Kırkım sonrası canlı ağırlık bakımından Tf BM tipi diğer bütün tiplerden, Tf AM ve BD  tipleri  Tf AD ve AA tiplerinden, Tf BB, AB ve MM tipleri Tf AD tipinden önemli derecede yüksek bulunmuştur. Kirli yapağı veriminde Tf BD tipi Tf AM ve AA tiplerinden, Tf AB ve MM tipleri ise Tf AM tipinden önemli derecede (P<0.05) yüksek bulunmuştur.                Irklar arasında Tf tipleri (c2  =2.25, SD=8, P=0.73) bakımından görülen fark istatistiki olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur.   THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIFFERENT PRODUCTION TRAITS WITH TRANSFERRIN (Tf) TYPES OF AWASSI AND RED KARAMAN  BREEDS.               SUMMARY: The purpose of this study was to find out the types of transferrin (Tf) to determine their relationship with different production traits.                The research was carried out on total 101 sheep consisted of 47 pure breed of Awassi and 52 pure breed Redkaraman raised at Atatürk University Agricultural Researh and Application Farm.                In this study; birth weight, weaning weight, 90. day weight, daily gain at preweaning weight at the and of grazing season, greasy fleece weight and body weight were determined.                Taken 7.5 cc of blood samples from W. Jugularis were seperated to serum and red cell fraction. The type of transferrin (Tf) from sera were determined with horizontal starch gel electrophoresis.                In the study,five transferrin allels (A, B ,M, D and E) were izolated. Three homozygot types (AA, BB and MM) and six heterozygot types were detected from the five transferrin allels. Thus, total nine phenotypes were observed in this investigation.                At birth weight, the types of Tf BM, MM, AB and AM were found significantly (P<0.05) higher than the types of Tf BD. At weaning weight, the types of Tf BD were found significantly  (P<0.05) higher than the types of Tf AD, AA, BM and the types of Tf AB, AM, MM were found higher than the types of Tf AD. At 90. days weight, the types of Tf MM were found significantly (P<0.05) higher than Tf AD, BD, AM, BB and the types of Tf BM were found, also, significantly (P<0.05) higher than the types of Tf AD. With respect to the daily gain at preweaning, the types Tf MM were found significantly (P<0.05) higher than all the other types. Also, the Tf AB types of ewes had significantly (P<0.05) higher weight of preweaning than the types of Tf AB, AA, BB and AM. The daily gain values at preweaning of the ewes which have Tf BD type were found higher than the types of AD, AA, BB, AM and BM. In the same trait,the types of Tf BM had significantly (P<0.05) higher values than the Tf AD and AA types. The Tf AM, BB and AA ewes had higher daily gain at preweaninig than Tf AD ewes. With respect to the weight at the end of grazing season, the types of Tf BM were found to be significant (P<0.05) higher than all the other types. In the same character, the Tf AM and BB ewes had significantly higher values than Tf AB ewes.                At body weight, the types of Tf BM were found significantly higher than all the other types. The Tf BD and AM ewes had significantly higher body weight values than the types of Tf AD and AA. Also, with respect to body weight,the types ot Tf BB, AB and MM were found significantly (P<0.05) higher than the types of Tf AD. The Tf BD ewes had significantly higher greasy fleece weight values than the Tf AM and Tf AA ewes.                In the same trait, the types of Tf AB and MM were found significantly (P<0.05) higher than the types of Tf AM.                There were no significant differences between breeds with respect to the types of transferrin (c 2  = 2.25, DF=8, P=0.73).
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