Dede Korkut Kitabı’nda Birkaç Kelimelerin Okunuşu Üzerine

Bilim dünyasına tanıtıldığı tarihten geçen iki yüz yıla kadar zaman sürecinde Dede Korkut Kitabı değişik yönlerden araştırılmaktadır. Bu süreçte abidenin eleştirmeli yayınları (edition critique) gerçekleştirilmiş, orijinal metninin ortaya çıkarılması, kelimelerin doğru okunuşu ve anlamlarının belirlenmesi, sorunlu metin parçalarının onarımı ile ilgili birçok işler görülmüştür. Lakin büyük emek verilerek yapılmış bu titiz çalışmalara rağmen abidede anlaşılması güçlük yaratan kelimelere ve metin parçalarına bugün de rastlanmaktadır

Some New Reading Proposals in the Book of Dada Gorgud

The Book of Dada Gorgud is being investigated within the period of time of about two hundred years beginning from the date when it was introduced to the world of science by various directions. Within this period there were implemented the monument’s edition critique and there were carried out various considerable works pertaining to the revealing of the monument’s original text, the correct reading of words and determination of their meanings and other works  associated with repair of problematic parts of the text. However, despite this meticulous works fulfilled as a result of great efforts, we meet even today the words and text fragments creating some difficulties for understanding.It is known that the comprehensive research of any written literary source, especially an important monument as the Book of Dada Gorgud depends on the conformity of the text with the original to a large extent and objectivity of the textual researches. I.e. this context requires the serious scientific researches reflecting the linguistic bpeculiarities of the period to which it is pertained, ethimological analysis of the words and their grammatical and logical relations one with other. Without any Etymological research, introducing of words, the meaning of which are not determined in duly manner and in many cases not conforming to narrative flow, may create a potential danger for readers using this text. The  discrepancies related to the reading of the words in editions of the Book of Dada Gorgud, the fragmentariness seen in the context of the text are caused namely by these factors. Considering all these inappropriate reading we have appeared with a few new proposals, i.e. we have made explanations on the words, such as: evek “immediately”, azday “lucky, blessed”,  kımçala-  “to run, run there and here”, koşuluk “contact, relevance, coming together”, yetri  “exactly, completely”.


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