Erzurum Kongresinin Türk Tarihindeki Yeri ve Önemi

T.Öz Yok

The Importance of Erzurum Congress in Turkish History

Erzurum Congress was assembled by Erzurum division of Vilayatı Şarkiye Müdafaa-i Hukuk-ı Milliye Cemiyeti and Trabzon Muhafaza-i Hukuk-ı Milliye Cemiyeti collectively Erzurum Congress was assembled under the coirmanship of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 23 July-7 August 1919 by Erzurum division of Vilayat-i Şarkiye Müdafaa-i Hukuk-ı Milliye Cemiyeti and Trabzon Muhafaza-i Hukuk-ı Milliye Cemiyeti collectively the aim of the congress was to struggle against the endeavour of the Allied powers to establish Rum Pontus in Black-Sea Region, Great Armenian and Kurdistan in Eastern Anatolia Erzurum Congress was the beginning of a new era or turning point because the delegates dealed with the most important subjects and took decision about them. With the congress decisions it was determined the interior and foreign policy. Social, cultural, economic programmes of new Turkish State. "This congres will recorded as very seldom and big achievement in history" just as Atatürk said.


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