Bir Granit Heykel: Celal BAYAR

Celal Bayar’ın mücadele hayatının – ki o kuşak hayatı, kesintisiz bir mücadele süreci olarak kabul ederdi – en büyük saygı ve hayranlık uyandıran örneği, 27 Mayıs 1960 müdahalesi sonucu Yassıada’da idam talebiyle yargılandığı ve idama mahkum edildiği dönemde dahi metanetinden zerre kadar fire vermemesi, granitten oyulmuş bir heykel gibi dimdik ayakta kalabilmesiydi.

Celâl Bayar: Like a Sculpture Which Has Been Made From Granide

Celal Bayar’s struggle life’s that the generation would think about the life as a non-stop struggling period, example of the maximum respect and awe inspiring, was as a result of the May of 27, 1960 intervention, even when he was tried and was condemned to death, not to reduced by wastage from his staying power, not to collapse like a sculpture which has been made from granite in Yassıada.


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