Bu çalışmada sendikal bağlılık kavramı ve öncülleri incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda sendikal bağlılığın sendikal katılım ile olan ilişkisi de ele alınmıştır. İşçilerin sendikalarına olan bağlılık düzeyleri ve sendikaya bağlılığın öncülleri olan faktörler  uluslararası literatür baz alınarak güvenilir ve geçerli ölçekler yardımıyla incelenmiştir.  Araştırma için ele alınan örneklem için kolayda örneklem yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Araştırma Kocaeli, Sakarya ve İstanbul’da yer alan sendikalı 22 işletmede, 1104 kişi üzerine uygulanmıştır ancak 644 anket incelemeye uygun görülmüştür.  İşletmelerin büyüklükleri ve işçi sayıları açısından araştırmada herhangi bir ayrıma gidilmemiştir. Çalışmada SPSS yöntemi ile analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sendikal bağlılığın öncülü olarak algılanan  sendikal destek, sendikal tutum,örgütsel adalet  militanist eğilimler, sendikal tatmin, araçsallık eğilimi ele alınmıştır.  Çalışmada sendikal bağlılığın boyutları ile öncülleri arasında olumlu bir ilişki olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu çalışmada   Gordon ve Kelloway’in çalışmaları referans olarak kullanılmıştır. Gordon ve arkadaşları sendikal bağlılığın sendikal sadakat, sendikal inanç, sendikal sorumluluk ve sendikal istek olarak 4 farklı boyutu olduğu sonucuna varmışlardır. Gordon’un çalışmasında olduğu gibi sendikal bağlılığın alt boyutu olarak 4 boyut ortaya çıkmamıştır. Bu çalışmada sendikal bağlılığın boyutu olarak 3 boyuta ulaşılmıştır. Kelloway’in çalışmasında ve bu çalışmada sendikal inanç sendikal bağlılığın güçlü bir boyutu olarak görülmemiştir.AbstractIn this study, ıt has been examined concept of trade union commitment and the  antedecedents’.In this terms it has been studied the relation between participation trade union and trade union commitment.. It has been try to find which extend of employee’s trade union commitment by through valid and credible  scale of antedecedents of trade union commitment in terms of international scale.  The random sampling method  was   used for analyses.  Survey was applied 22 factory in Kocaeli,Sakarya,İstanbul and 1104 membership of trade union employees but only 644 survey were suitable to examine. Factories  were not  seperated in terms of  capacity and number of workers. The SPSS analysis method was applied in this study. The antecedents of trade union commitment are percieved trade union support ,trade union attitudes,millitanist tendency,organizational justice ,trade union satisfaction, ınstrumentality. It is deduce from this study there are positive correlation between trade union commitment and antecedents of trade union commitment. Two study was used in this study as a reference. Gordon and at  concluded that trade union commitment  has  four dimension as trade union loyalty,belief of trade union, willigness of trade union, responsibiltiy of trade union. But in this study it was not deduced from four different dimension of trade union commitment. We could approach dimension of trade union commitment as three. And our conclusion is similar with Kellovay and at all. In The study of  Kelloway and our study could not see beliefs of trade union as a  powerful dimension of trade union commitment. 


In this study, ıt has been examined concept of trade union commitment and the  antedecedents’.In this terms it has been studied the relation between participation trade union and trade union commitment.. It has been try to find which extend of employee’s trade union commitment by through valid and credible  scale of antedecedents of trade union commitment in terms of international scale.  The random sampling method  was   used for analyses.  Survey was applied 22 factory in Kocaeli,Sakarya,İstanbul and 1104 membership of trade union employees but only 644 survey were suitable to examine. Factories  were not  seperated in terms of  capacity and number of workers. The SPSS analysis method was applied in this study. The antecedents of trade union commitment are percieved trade union support ,trade union attitudes,millitanist tendency,organizational justice ,trade union satisfaction, ınstrumentality. It is deduce from this study there are positive correlation between trade union commitment and antecedents of trade union commitment. Two study was used in this study as a reference. Gordon and at  concluded that trade union commitment  has  four dimension as trade union loyalty,belief of trade union, willigness of trade union, responsibiltiy of trade union. But in this study it was not deduced from four different dimension of trade union commitment. We could approach dimension of trade union commitment as three. And our conclusion is similar with Kellovay and at all. In The study of  Kelloway and our study could not see beliefs of trade union as a  powerful dimension of trade union commitment.


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