Morphometric study of the digital length pattern and rations in normal men and women

Öz Puıpoîc: Thi$ work wm desıgned to establish ıhe dıgital îcngth pauern and ıhc foımula in randonıly seiccred sampk populacion. Metbodı: Digiı lengths of 700 subjeeb (.311 mnle and 389 female) wcrc measured on ıhe palınar surfacc. uiing vernicr eullipcrs. Rcsulb: We found thaU (he (hird dıgit was the longeU arxi in (uın came ıhe founh, second. fıflh nrxl fırst in nur study pvpulatîon. The digiial formukı was as 3>4>2>5>l for buth hand. The diviribulion 0t and > of 2D:4D raim shûwed thai around 359 of the female population exhibited (O 3>2>4>$>1 digîcal formula. aı opposcd (o kss (han oııe founh in malcs. Conciuvion: Wç bclieve ıhat (be environmentAh occuplionaJ. Iiabitual faccorı may play as much role as the geneiic clements and further studıes should be earried out in variûus pnpulation of different age gınups and oeeupations.


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