Ergonomic problems in primary education

Öz n Turite)-. 8 >'^6rs «I unintcrtufKcd compuhoı>' «ducaiioo had bvvunoe a la* oa IO** 1997 and commctKed to be nnf>knwtMcd since 1997.1998 ewıl ><«. Oy means of (he basic cdacai)OMİ 4iv>e>d (O converl primar)* schooh exped»eQtl|* mk» ptımar)* «dueaıto* scbool». *hich provıde 8 yeaıs of ■nırkrropiod eduvaiion and briA^ educalors. siudenis, sduciures. hard*are am) envuoRntem of Kbools (ocontemporujy odocation lesel. l)iıne»(»A4K el (he maclıtRrr>\ iooU. Mruetures and eqoipınem »o be used by peopk nMnt be ın complıancc wtih the bndy dımcftitom of Um respecthe b) aİM» uktaj; ınio conv>dera(ton lo «paees «he« m»c)i equipflXA( «Alil be pİMod in. dımensıonv of (he Mruetural ek«w«(s and (ûoU a.\ well a* ensttocvnrntal condıiıooiK. Gro*(h and devdopmeat and (be body U/iKiore of ıhr ehıMrcn in peimury cducalioA a(< *ho arv at a rapid pcriüd of ıhnr pby'SKAİ. bodıtv and mental devdopnıent. anr focncd by means of vMiiual mıciKlion be(5*«cn (he cnvironmenC aad theır gencttc Mroeture. U ıı evıdenl Ihai anthropofnotnc featores of ıknte ındıvıdualı «ıih diffe«n( ape. gendcr. envıronınencal aad peneiic chuactethües be differcnt. Fm (hu rcaMH). it ı$ es\rBtial k» detemıne unıqıte eharaeteriuk) anthıoponıclrie dimensıons of eaeh ape f^petup. and (O design and prodocc living enviırmment. loolt. stnıetnres a<^ cquip(nefti aceordinp 10 ibcm. Ihu». theır menlal and bodıly deselopmcnt shall have beeıı proCKUd. tbeu nKMivaiıon lof cdııeation and iraİMUp shall have boeo <*>«ed. Ibetebv a more mfoııncd. '«kUled. «elfeonOdeiM. und Creative indıVTduals »d coe)»equenlly a socıety dtall be raited


Ankara Üniversitesi – Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Antropoloji Dergisi