Mizah Tarzlarının Dinî Yönelim Üzerindeki Etkisi

Mizah ve dindarlık çok boyutlu olgulardır. Aralarındaki ilişkiler de buna bağlı olarak karmaşık bir yapıdadır. Teorik olarak iki olguya dair çeşitli varsayımlar bulunmasına rağmen bu varsayımların sınanmaya ihtiyacı vardır. Mizah ve dindarlık ile ilgili az sayıda uygulamalı çalışma olsa da mizah tarzları ile dinî yönelim arasındaki teorik varsayımı test edecek çalışmaya ulaşılamamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı mizah tarzları ile dinî yönelim arasındaki ilişkileri incelemektir. Olumlu mizah tarzlarından olan katılımcı ve kendini geliştirici mizah tarzı ile olumsuz mizah tarzlarından olan saldırgan ve kendini yıkıcı mizah ile dinî yönelim arasında ne tür bir ilişki olduğu sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Şırnak Üniversitesi öğrencilerinden 304 kişiye online anket uygulanmıştır. Mizah tarzlarını ölçmek için Mizah Tarzları Ölçeği, dinî yönelim ile ilgili veri toplamak için de İçsel Dinî Yönelim Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Veriler SPSS 21 paket program ile işlenmiştir. Hipotezi sınamak için çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar, mizah tarzlarının dinî yönelimi anlamlı seviyede etkilediğini göstermiştir. Mizah tarzlarından yalnızca saldırgan mizah tarzı dinî yönelimi anlamlılık seviyesinde yordadığına ulaşılmış; katılımcı mizah, kendini geliştirici mizah ve kendini yıkıcı mizah ise anlamlılık seviyesinde olmadığı tespit edilmiştir.

The Effect of Humor Styles on Religious Orientation

Humor and religion are multidimensional phenomena. Related to this, the relationships between them are complex. It can be thought that there are harmony and common features between religion and positive humor. However, negative humor features are restricted and censored by religion. Theoretically, although there are various assumptions about the two phenomena, these assumptions need testing. In this study, an answer was sought to the question of what kind of relationship there is between humor styles and religious orientations. Based on the literature, there is an expectation of a positive relationship between positive humor types and religious orientations, and a negative relationship between negative humor types and religious orientations. In this study, the relationships between university students' humor styles and religious orientations were examined and the following research hypothesis was tested.Humor styles predict intrinsic religious orientation at the level of significance. There is a positive significant relationship between Intrinsic Religious Orientation and Affiliative Humor and Self-Enhancing Humor from positive humor styles, and a negative significant relationship between Aggressive Humor and Self-Defeating Humor, which are negative humor styles.This study, which was designed in a survey model, is a descriptive and quantitative research. The sample of the research is Şırnak University students. A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool in the research. Questionnaire forms prepared online were delivered to the participants via Whatsapp and Google Classroom applications. In the questionnaire form, firstly, the questions formed in order to determine the demographic characteristics were included. In addition, the following scales were used in the study.The Intrinsic Religious Orientation Scale developed by Hoge (1972) was used to measure students' religious orientation. The first 7 items of the scale, which consists of 10 items, have a positive sentence structure and the next 3 items have a negative sentence structure. A 5-point Likert scale format was used in the scale, and the scores of 3 items expressed with negative sentence structure in scoring were reversed.To collect data on humor styles, Martin et al. (2003) developed by Humor Styles Scale. In this 32-item scale, a 7-point Likert scale format was used as "I totally disagree… I totally agree". Participants were asked to fill in the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with each item using this format. Data were processed with SPSS 21 package program. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to test the hypothesis.The results showed that humor styles significantly affected religious orientation. Of the humor styles, only the aggressive humor style predicted the religious orientation at the level of significance; self-defeating humor, affiliative humor and self-enhancing humor did not reach the level of significance. According to the results of the multiple linear regression analysis, when the 4 variables measuring humor styles are evaluated together, it is seen that they are in a significant relationship with the intrinsic religious orientation scores. These 4 predictor variables significantly explain approximately 11% of the total variance in intrinsic religious orientation scores (R= .330, R2= .109, p< .01).The research findings moderately confirmed the hypothesis. Consistent with the hypothesis, humor styles predicted intrinsic religious orientation at the level of significance. In addition, the relationship between intrinsic religious orientation and aggressive humor style reached the level of negative significance. However, the results that did not reach the level of significance between self-enhancing humor, affiliative humor, self-defeating humor and intrinsic religious orientation did not support the hypothesis.According to the research findings, humor styles have a significant effect on religious orientation. However, this effect can reach the level of significance only in offensive humor style. This situation shows that students with high religious orientation have a negative attitude towards aggressive humor.The expectation of a positive relationship between affiliative humor and self-enhancing humor styles with religious orientation was not supported by the findings. This result may be related to the fact that university students cannot establish a connection between positive humor and religion.


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