Tanrı Algısı Ölçeği (TA): Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

God Perception Scale: Its Validity and Reliabilty. Purpose of this study was to analize

validity and reliability of God Perception Scale for measure individual' s God perceptions. So, theresearcher first formed a pool of 32 items and then adminestered them to 535 subjects whose agesranged from 20 and 60 in six different cities, Bursa, Ankara, Erzincan, Ýstanbul, Silifke andSamsun. We analised data with the help of item-total correlations, Cronbach-alfa, factor analysisand several methods. Cronbach Alpha coefficient of GP was, 83. Factor analysis showed that therewere five factors in the scale. The analyses revealed that “God Perception Scale” is a reliable andvalid instrument